Our Gallery

  • Event Photography
  • Event Videos
  • TVC Film
  • Architecture

Event Photography

The best way to understand event photography is through what an event photographer does, the equipment they use and the typical events they photograph. Event photographers are simply professional photographers armed with the skills and equipment to capture emotions, reactions and memories in high-pressure environments. They work in environments where they need to think on their feet to respond to changes in lighting, event agendas and the needs of the client.

Event Video

We offer an end-to-end event video production service. From pre-production to multi-camera operations and post-production, we will ensure your event filming is under control, and we will make your event look spectacular.

TVC Video

Vietnam Events also provide professional advertisment #TVC, with experienced editors, filmmakers, directors together with unique scenarios, creating a respective feature for each product. Moreover, we also produce video after events happen to save best memories for the customers as well as promote their image after that.


Vietnam Events also provide professional advertisment #TVC, with experienced editors, filmmakers, directors together with unique scenarios, creating a respective feature for each product. Moreover, we also produce video after events happen to save best memories for the customers as well as promote their image after that.

    Our clients